Burbage During the Great War
Burbage During the Great War

Burbage Parish Magazine

Front Page of the Burbage Parish Magazine dated July 1916


Excerpts from the Parish Magazine


Notes for the Month by the Vicar

July 1916 (Abridged)


THE WAR. – A considerable number of names have now to be added to our list of men who have joined His Majesty’s forces.  They are Frank Harris, George Harris, Jas Noyes, Herbert Wilcox, Victor Johnson, C Hawkins, William Burroughs, Leonard Hoare, C Banning, R Burden, Fred Breakspeare, F Spanswick, H Spanswick, H Broadway, Morley, Lampard, C Futcher , H Goodman and Sidney Noyes.


Second Lieutenant H.H.A. Sands, who was wounded on June 6th, is now in hospital at Farnborough, and going on very satisfactorily.


The chief events of the past month have been the news of the naval battle off Jutland on May 31st and the tragic death of Lord Kitchener, who was lost with HMS Hampshire off the Orkney Islands on June 5th.


THE DAY SCHOOLS were closed for three week’s holiday during the hay harvest on June 16th.  The children will re-assemble on Monday, July 10th.


The Sunday School treat will be arranged for a date either at the end of July or quite early in August.


Miss Hibberd reports that the sum of 3/- has been sent from the Infant’s School to the Overseas Fund.


VEGETABLES FOR THE NAVY. – A depot for collecting vegetables for the fleet has been started in Burbage by Mrs Clark-Jones who will be glad to receive vegetables and fruit for this purpose at her house on Mondays.


THE WOMAN’S UNION. – Mrs Kingsbury had invited the members to tea at furze Coppice  after a service to be held at Cadley Church on July 3rd, but owing to the difficulty of getting a conveyance in the hay season, the excursion is being postponed for a short time.


A MISSIONARY FESTIVAL for the Pewsey Rural Deanery is to be held at Collingbourne Ducis on Wednesday, July 5th.  Service in the Church at 4pm.  Tea in the Rectory Garden at 4.30, followed by a meeting with address by the Right Rev. Bishop Joscelyn, formerly Bishop of Jamaica.  After the meeting tennis, croquet, bowls and other games will be provided.  Stalls of work for S.P.G. and C,.M.S.  Admission 3d.  Tea 6d.  Tickets bought before Saturday, July 1st 6d including tea.


THE BURBAGE AND EASTON FRIENDLY SOCIETY. – The statement to be sent to the members referred to in the March numberof the magazine is nearly ready, but owing to developments, of which the members must now be aware, it may be found better to postpone its issue for at least a few weeks.


MR G HIGHETT has been appointed Verger, and entered upon his duties on Whit-Sunday, and it has been arranged for Mr C Kimber to take on the care of the Churchyard, with the paths and hedges.  One of the precautions in these times of Zeppelin menace is the silencing of Church Clocks after dark which has been ordered by the authority.  By convenient and simple arrangement the clock is made to strike in the daytime.


THE LATE MR G.F. COX. – We have lost a well known parishioner in Mr G.F. Co, of Stibb, who will be greatly missed by many.  Much sympathy is felt for his widow and family.  His two sons, who are on active service in France, were able to attend the funeral.


JOINT COLLECTING BOXES. – I desire to acknowledge with thanks the following sums in the Joint Collecting Boxes for Home and Foreign Missions and Diocesan purposes, at the Ascensiontide opening:  Mrs Bain, 5/8, Mrs Green, 1/5½, Mrs Hibberd, 4/2¼, Mrs Maidstone, 2/6, Mrs Sands 5/-, Mrs W Vines, 8/6.


August 1916 (abridged)


THE WAR. – Since July 1st the Allies have been able to take the offensive in the West as well as in the East, and there is reason for much thankfulness for the successes already achieved.


Friday August 4th, will be the second anniversary of the declaration of war in England, when the nation was called upon in the cause of righteousness and liberty to face this terrible ordeal.  The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have written to all the Diocesan Bishops asking that the day should, so far as possible, be solemnly observed throughout the land as a day of humble prayer to Almighty God.  It is suggested that in every Parish Church there should be a celebration of Holy Communion, and some special service or services of prayer.


Our Bishop desires that arrangements should be made in every parish for this purpose, and further authorises Sunday, Aug 6th, in all cases where a weekday is impractical.


In accordance with this request there will be a Celebration on Friday, August 4th at 7.30am, and short special services at 10am, 12 noon, and 7pm, particulars of which will be announced in Church the previous Sunday.  Intercessions and thanks givings will also be given on Sunday, August 6th.


The offertory will be for the Lord Kitchener Memorial Fund.


A letter has also been sent by the Bishop to all the Clergy of the Diocese with reference to the National Mission of Repentance and Hope.  As an effort was made in the Diocese of Salisbury last autumn, and in the country parishes last spring, it has been found not possible to repeat the effort in the form of missions next autumn, but the bishop requests that in order to come into line with the National Mission to be held then, return visits should be arranged by the various missioners of last spring.  I have much pleasure in announcing that the Rev. A.P. Annand will revisit Burbage for this purpose on on one or two weekdays in October, particulars as to date and services will be announced in due course.


The Bishop asks that Sunday, October 1st should be observed throughout the Diocese as the National Mission Preparation Sunday, and announces that he will issue a Pastoral Letter to be read from the pulpit, and will also authorise special psalms, lessons, and prayers.  The object is to awaken penitence, expectancy, faith and hope.


I am mentioning these matters well in advance so that parishioners may keep the arrangements in mind, and make them a subject of daily or weekly prayer.


I should like to add a few remarks of a personal nature.  I have been enabled to take a much needed holiday for rest and change, extending over three Sundays in July, through the kindness of neighbouring clergy, and a friend from a distance, and it is right to add, through the active efforts of Mrs Sands, who in my absence made the arrangements for me and undertook the correspondence that was necessary, and so saved me a great deal of trouble.


Parishioners will no doubt have heard about our recent anxiety caused by the serious illness of our second son, Sec.-Lieutenant H.H.A Sands who after recovering from his wounds, has undergone two operations in the Empress Eugenie’s Hospital at Farnborough Hill, where he is receiving every possible attention, and is, we hope, on the way to recovery.


THE DAY SCHOOLS were re-opened after three weeks holiday on Monday, July 10th, and will go on to a date in August to be fixed so as to allow of several weeks holiday to cover the corn harvest.  Notice will be given of the date as soon as possible.


THE COMMUNION SERVICE. – After the Communion of the people, two alternative prayers are provided in the service, the first a prayer of oblation, beginning ‘O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble servants entirely desire thy fatherly goodness mercifully to accept this our sacrifice of  praise and thanksgiving;’ the second a prayer of thanksgiving ‘Almighty and everliving God, we  most heartily thank thee for that thou dost vouchsafe to feed us, who have duly received these holy mysteries with the spiritual food of the most precious body and Blood of thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.’ 


Many Communicants would like both prayers to be used, and no doubt when the first is used, the other is often said privately as an act of thanksgiving, after the Blessing.  Perhaps a better plan is for the Priest to say the first prayer, the prayer of Oblation, silently immediately after the solemn prayer of Consecration, and before his own communion when the congregation can use it silently with him; and then after communion of the people, the Lord’s Prayer and the prayer of Thanksgiving will follow, and in this way both prayers will be used in what appears to be the most suitable place in the service.


September 1916 (Abridged)


THE WAR. – The opinion prevails that at last there is a turn in the tide of affairs, and that on all fronts things are going favourably for ourselves and our Allies.  For this we must be thankful to Almighty God, and we must go on praying for the Devine help in this long conflict.  We have a stubborn and relentless enemy to deal with, and peace cannot be regarded as even in sight until a decisive victory is won.  Even then there will be need for much perseverance and patience.  The war is unlike all former wars, both in magnitude and method. 


I believe there are several names to be added to our Roll since July, but the only name I have definitely received is that of Harold Nutley, Welsh Fusiliers.  I shall be glad to receive others.  It is reported that Sergeant Ernest Harris DCM., of the Berkshire Regt., has been killed in action, for which much regret will be felt.


The Bishop asks that Sunday, September 24th, instead of October 1st, as announced last month, should be observed as the National Mission Preparation Sunday, when his Pastoral Letter will be read from the pulpit.


I propose to fix Sunday, October 1st, for Harvest Thanksgiving Services, and I hope to secure a special preacher for the evening.  The collections will be for the Savernake Hospital.


The Rev. A.P. Annand hopes to revisit Burbage and conduct several services on October 11th and 12th.  In view of this I am issuing a card with the prayerfor the National Mission of repentance and hope, with this number of the magazine, and should feel glad to know that it is used in all the homes where the magazine is delivered.


THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT was held in beautiful weather on Saturday August 5th in the Vicarage garden and paddock.  After a short service in the Church at 3.30 tea was served to the numerous scholars under the old beech tree, and the rest of the afternoon and early part of the evening was enjoyably spent in games and competitions when every child received a toy.  Mrs Sands was kindly helped by Mrs Gale and Mrs G. New in catering.  Miss Hibberd and Miss Hughes gave valuable assistance in the general arrangements, and Mr. Webb, Miss Braime, and Mr. Brown helped Miss Olive Sands in the games and amusements.  I should also like to thank Mrs. Noyes and Miss Dew for donations of 2/6 to the cost of the treat.


We hope to have the Choir boys in the Vicarage Garden for tea at an early date. 


It has been pointed out to me that I have not asked the parishioners lately for any special parish object.  This is true, but I shall be glad of contributions towards the upkeep of the upkeep of the Churchyard.  £2 comes out of the ordinary collections for Church expenses, and I have undertaken to raise £2 more, as last year, so am open to offers of help.  Also we have not yet had a collection for the Salisbury Diocesan Fund.  This will have to be arranged before long.


THE COLLECTION for the Lord Kitchener National Memorial Fund on Sunday, Aug 6th, amounted to £4:0:4, which sum has been submitted to the Lord Mayor of London.  Since our collection, the Archbishop of Canterbury has commended the fund for a general collection in the churches, so we have anticipated this request.


THE WOMEN’S UNION. – A short service was held in the Church on Tuesday, August 15th, and afterwards a party of the members, with Mrs. Sands drove to Furze Cottage in the Forrest where Mrs. Kingsbury very kindly entertained them to tea in her pretty house and garden.  It was a beautiful afternoon after the showers of the morning, and the forest looked its best.  All enjoyed themselves heartily, and our warmest thanks are due to Miss Kingsbury and Miss Brine.


THE DAY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS began on Aug 16th. And continue till Monday, September 18th.  The rain during the first week delayed harvest operations, but no doubt they will be in full swing long before this Magazine is issued.


OWING TO ILL HEALTH, Police Constable Scammell has been pensioned off and has left the village and gone to live in Swindon.  He expects to get some lighter work there.  Three of his sons are in the Army, and before that were in the Choir, as was also the fourth, Edwin, whom we are sorry to lose.  The eldest daughter, Kathleen, has had one of the largest lists of magazines to deliver, and I shall miss her very much.


NOTES ON BURBAGE. – I propose shortly to continue my notes on Burbage.  It would be interesting to deal with the names of places such as Stibb, Savernake, Seymour, Kinwardstone, Harepath, Bowden, Firgreen, Margreen, Westcourt, Eastcourt and so on.  I feel convinced that several of them are spelt now differently from what they were in olden days.  The registers seem to suggest in a few cases the origin and meaning of the names.  But I will leave the matter for consideration in later numbers of the Magazine,


October 1916 (Abridged)


THANKSGIVING SERVICES for the Harvest will be held on Sunday, October 1st.  Holy Eucharist at 7, 8 and 12, Matins and sermon at 11.0.  Children’s service at 2.30.  Evensong and sermon at 6.  Evening preacher, the Rev E A Stafford Young, Vicar of East Grafton.  Collections for Savernake Hospital.  Gifts of flowers and vegetables and fruit (for the hospital) will be very acceptable, and should be sent to the Church on Saturday morning, September 30th, by ten o’clock.


N.B. Parishioners are reminded that ‘summer time’ ends on Sept 30th and ordinary time will begin on October 1st.  The Church clock will be altered accordingly, that is put back by one hour, on Saturday evening at dusk.  The early service on Sunday will be at 7 and 8 ordinary time.  I mention this to prevent any uncertainty or confusion.


THE MISSIONERS RETURN VISIT, Wednesday October 11th, and Thursday October 12th.  The following services will be held in conjunction with the rev a.p. Annand’s visit, - The National Mission of Repentance and Hope, - an I earnestly invite parishioners to make good use of this spiritual opportunity.  Wednesday, October 11th, Holy Communion at 7.30, address by Missioner to the School Children in the School at 9am.  Mission Service & Sermon by the Missioner at 7pm.


Thursday, Oct 12th, Holy Communion at 7.30, Service for Women and Address by Missioner at 3pm.


N.B. – Mattins will be said each day at 10.0, and evensong at 5pm.


C.E.M.S. – Ihave received a packet of reports of two Conferences held in the diocese lately, with addresses by the Bishop, and have been asked by the Diocesan Secretary to circulate them among our members.  This I have done.  The Bishop calls upon all members to fulfil their duties of prayer and service, and exhorts to regular attendance at Church on Sundays.  The visit of our Missioner is a good opportunity for us all to make a new start.  Let everyone keep October 11th, 7pm free and attend this Mission Service.  We all need from time to time to wake up to a sense of God’s majesty and mercy, and our duty.


The C.E.M.S. Institute will be used during October for a course on Domestic Subjects for the elder girls.




THE WAR. – The Allies advance still continues, slowly but surely and successfully.  May God grant us strength and endurance and final victory!  In one of the official despatches for the end of August, special reference was made to ‘the steadfastness and determined gallantry of Wiltshire and Worcestershire men,’ near Thiepval, in the long battle of the Somme..


Several ne names have to be added to our list including W. H. Chandler  A.O.C, Alferd Vallis A.S.C. as well as H. Burden, 2nd Wilts, Walter Kimber, 4th Wilts, H Goodman.  I am glad to hear that Herbert Pye. Who was wounded and laid up with fever, is well again.  Daniel Spanswick, who was wounded, is also making good progress.  Ernest Belbin has been invalided, but the last reports were favourable.  W. Flippance of the Wilts Regiment is reported missing and also C. F. G. Church of the Royal Fusiliers.  Quite recently Captain Cyril wasey, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, has been wounded, and is in hospital in Aldershot and going on satisfactorily.


SALISBURY DIOCESAN FUND. – The collection on Sunday, October 29th will be for this Fund.  Particulars will be announced the Sunday before.


RED CROSS SOCIETY. – October 19th is fixed as ‘Our Day’ for the Red Cross.  Small flags and other articles will be offered for sal, the proceeds to be given to the Red Cross Society.


BELLRINGERS. – Some young recruits are much needed.  A circular letter has been sent out from the District Association calling attention to the importance of training a new generation of ringers.


A SPECIAL REQUEST. – We are all much indebted to Mrs Barnett, who for many years has looked after the interior of the Church and kept it clean.  She puts a good many hours’ work into it every Saturday at a very small remuneration.  But there are parts which are beyond her reach, and need form time to time some special attention.  In most Churches on such occasions a few members of the congregation come together and give a few hours voluntary work.  Cannot we do this?  I should suggest some date soon after the return visit of our Missioner, and well before our Patronal and Dedication Festival.  All Saints’ Day, Nov 1st.  Mrs Sands would be glad to hear of a few, who would be willing to help in this way.


Also I should like to mention that the Church Wardens have lately been having some pointing done and other minor repairs to the fabric of the Church in certain parts.  The spouting also requires painting.  It will cheer them and lighten their responsibility if the collections are good this autumn.  I desire to acknowledge a donation of 5/- from Mrs Noyes and 2/6 from Mrs Ruddle towards the upkeep of the Churchyard.  I propose to go round to a few and ask for further subscriptions.  The flagstaff in the Church tower needs a coat or two of paint.  The difficulty is to get at it, or lower it for the purpose.  Also we must keep the swallows out of the Church.  Some wire netting has been procured, and it will be necessary to have a wire door made, and also wire frames fitted in the windows that open.  And the church windows need a good cleaning.


The G.F.S classes will be started during October.


November 1916 (Abridged)


ALL SAINTS DAY, Wednesday, November 1st. Holy Eucharist at 7.30am, Matins at 10.0, Evensong and Sermon at 7pm. Preacher the Rev S Lambert, Rector of Pewsey………


On All Saints’ Day, before the early Celebration, a carved oak Litany Desk will be dedicated to the glory of God and in memory of Captain L K Sands.  A St Georges Flag, that is red cross on white ground, will be dedicated on the previous Sunday afternoon at the Children’s Service for use on the Church Tower on festivals and special occasions. 


THE COLLECTIONS for the Savernake Hospital at the Harvest Thanksgiving Services on Sunday, October 1st amounted to £5 8s 6d including a donation sent a few days after.  I desire to thank all that helped in the decorations and gave offerings of flowers and fruit and vegetables.  The latter were kindly conveyed by Mr J T Mainstone to the Hospital for the use of the patients.  A list of donors is posted in the Church Porch.  It was a bright day, and the church looked very beautiful.  The evening preacher was the Rev E A Stafford Young, Vicar of Grafton.


THE NATIONAL MISSION of Repentance and Hope. The Rev A P Annand our Missioner of February last, the Spiritual Call of the War, paid his promised return visit on Wednesday, October 11th, and the following day.  He gave a very interesting address to the children in the large school on Wednesday morning at 9, taking as his subject the red white and blue of the Union Jack, and the lessons to be learnt from it.  I expect those who heard will remember it all their lives.  ………


THE RED CROSS SOCIETY. – ‘Our Day,’ October 12th , was duly observed in Burbage, indeed with results far exceeding expectations, owing to the zealous activity of the teachers and school children who raised 13/1, and of Mrs Blanchard and her two daughters, who did excellent work and brough the amount up to £4 by the sale of flags, and donations.  Much more, no doubt, could have been obtained, had we been provided with a larger supply of flags.  Mrs Sands has sent the amount to the local secretary, Miss Lavington, of Marlborough.


INFANTS’ SCHOOL. – I desire to mention that 3/- has been sent by Mrs Hibberd from the Infants’ School to the ‘Jack Cornwall Ward Fund’.


CHURCHYARD FUND. – I desire to acknowledge 5/- from a friend.


NOTES ON BURBAGE. – PLACE NAMES. – I only have room for a few brief notes to begin with.  ‘Savernake’, seems to men ‘boundary oak’, or oak forest.  The word is closely connected with the word ‘Severn’, the boundary river.  What the original boundary belonged to I do not know.  Indeed this explanation is only conjecture.  ‘Stibb’, is an obvious corruption of Steep but a very old one.  It occurs in the registers more than 300 years ago.  I imagine the ancient road came up to the ‘hollow’, and so the green was rightly called ‘steep green’, and was shortened to ‘Stibb’.  Seymour is, I feel, convinced a corruption of ‘Surmere’, which means a shallow pool.  It is so found written in the registers 70 years ago.  Margreen is obviously ‘Mere Green’.  Here I will stop for the present.


I append a Eucharistic Hymn, which I hope we may sing in Church at All Saints’ tide.  A suitable tune is the familiar tune to which ‘Hail to the Lord’s Annointed’ is sung. ……


December 1916 (Abridged)


C.E.M.S. – The annual meeting was held on October 23rd, and after the election of Officers and Committee (Mr Mainstone, Hon. Treasurer, Mr Webb, Hon. Secretary, Committee, Messrs Baker, New, Gale, R Davis, Benstead and Scarlett) a resolution was passed in favour of admitting youths of 14-18 to the Institute at a subscription of 1/- for the season, under the supervision of the officers and committee, for 3 evenings a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, commencing Monday November 20th.  The necessary arrangements have been made, and about a dozen names have been sent in. Newspapers – especially illustrated ones – will be very acceptable, and may be left on the shelf inside the outer door.

A service for men will be held in the Church on Sunday, December 17th at 2.15pm.


THE CLEANING of the Church and Vestries, the windows, walls, roof, floors etc and all the Church furniture, took place on October 26th and 27th, and indeed before and after these dates, and very good results were obtained by the busy workers who so kindly volunteered to help.  It was a very encouraging and successful enterprise, and I am glad to acknowledge our indebtedness, and give the names:  Mrs and Miss Olive Sands, Mrs Clark-Jones, Mrs Kingston, Miss Dowse, Mrs G New, the Misses Nutley, Mrs Mann (of West Court), Miss Bond, Mrs Miell, Mrs Barnett, Mrs Popejoy, and Miss Julia Morse.  Mr E.J. Mann, Mr Webb and Dr Clark-Jones undertook the windows and roof, and the lastmentioned also kindly lent a long ladder.  The Vicar took his share and rejoiced in the midst of the scrubbing and polishing,  This is the sort of spirit that wants encouraging.  Parishioners love and value their Church all the more if they are invited to put some work into it.  And certainly everyone worked heartily.


THE LITANY DESK and a Prayer Book were dedicated before the early Celebration on All Saints’ Day.  The weather was stormy and the number of communicants was small.


The St. George’s Cross Flag was hoisted on All Saints’ Eve.


THE CHOIRMEN AND RINGERS, with the Churchwardens, gave Mrs Sands and the Vicar the pleasure of their company at supper at the Vicarage on November 15th, and joined in enjoyable intercourse, enliven by songs.  The choirboys came to tea on November 2nd.


CHRISTMAS DAY falls on a Monday this year, so the decorations, or at least the greater part of them, will be completed on the Saturday before.  Holy Eucharist at 7 and 8 am, and after the morning prayer.  Other arrangements will be notified in due time.


SUNDAY DECEMBER 31st, is appointed as the day of Intercession, Thanksgiving and Commemoration, in connection with the War.  The collections will be for the Red Cross Society.


A CONCERT to provide Christmas presents for Burbage men serving in the forces will be given in the Schoolroom on Dec 6th.


THE NAMES of the latest recruits called up have been added to the Roll in the Church.  The total is now 101.


PEARCE’S CHARITY. – The annual meeting of the Trustees will be held in the Schoolroom on Saturday, December 16th, from 10am till 12, when applications should be made by persons qualified to receive the charity.  Applications for the Highett Charity may be made at the same time.


THE BURBAGE AND EASTON FRIENDLY SOCIETY. – A meeting of members was held in the Infant’s School on November 7th, when 40 were present.  The Trustees, Mr J.J. May, who took the chair, and the Rev H Sands, - attended, and presented a final statement, after the division of the assets according to the Chief Registrar’s award, and the payment of the latter’s fee and secretarial and other expenses.  It was decided to publish the statement in the ‘Marlborough Times’ of November 17th, and to have 220 copies printed for the secretaries to give to any members who applied for them.


I hardly think it necessary to reprint the statement on this Magazine, as sufficient publicity has now been given to it, and a copy sent to the Chief Registrar.  £4161 2s 8d has been paid by the Trustees to the Members according to the award; the expenses referred to amounted to £45 14s 9d about 2 1/2d in the £1 – and the balance £21 8s 11d, was after discussion, voted by the Members  to the Savernake Cottage Hospital.  These sums total £4228 6s 4d, the amount of the assets, that is, invested funds in the National Debt Office, together with other sums realised or recovered.





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