Burbage During the Great War
Burbage During the Great War

Burbage Parish Magazine

Front Page of the Burbage Parish Magazine dated July 1915

Excerpts from the Parish Magazine


Notes for the Month by the Vicar


July 1915


THE DAY SCHOOL SUMMER HOLIDAYS will extend from Saturday 3rd July to Monday 23rd August and it is hoped that the elder children will be able to helpin some way in both the hay and corn harvest.  Mr Webb is keeping a register and will be glad to know from the farmers what their chief requirements are.


THE CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT will be held on Thursday 1st July.  The children will assemble on the Church Green immediately after 3pm.  There will be a short service in the Church followed by tea in the Vicarage Garden, and games for the infants in the Vicarage Paddock, and for elder scholars in the larger Glebe Field.


C.E.M.S. - A service for men, whether members of the C.E.M.S. or not, will be held in the Church on Sunday 11th July at 2.15pm.


THE WAR - The following men from the village have joined the forces since our last issue:  Francis Sidney Hume Cox, Royal Flying Corps, Aldershot; Charles Henry Bailey, Royal Engineers; Frederick Flippance, Frank Henbest,John Herbert Pye, Daniel Richard Spanswick and Frederick Spanswick all 3rd Wilts.


On Sunday 6th June we had collections in Church for the fund for sending comforts to the men of the Wilts Regiment at war at the front, and those who are prisioners of war.  The collection (including a donation of 10/-) amounted to £2-17-4.


WOMEN'S UNION - It is proposed to have a meeting towards the end of July with an admission service in the Church and Tea in the Vicarage Garden.  Due notice will be given.


THE VICARAGE GARDEN - In our former parish at Birmingham we were accustomed to inviteparishoners to come into the Vicarage garden immediately after the Morning Service on Sundays in the summer and the plan was quite a success.  Here the very early Sunday dinner proves an obstacle.  But would members of the congregation give us the pleasure of seeing them on several Sunday evenings after service?  Let us try Sunday evening, July 11th, as a start.  A walk round the garden, and a little friendly talk will be pleasant and sociable.


JOINT MISSIONARY BOXES - I desire to acknowledge the following sumsreceived at the Ascentiontide opening of the boxes: Mrs Bain 7s 7 1/2d, Mrs Green 2s 1/2d, Miss Hibberd 3s, Mrs E J Mann 1s 9 1/2d Mrs Rundle 8s 11d, Mrs Sands 2s 2d.


WOTTON RIVERS is more enterprising than Burbage and has started a Coopeartive Society, which is intended to include the District.  I have received lately several letters from Mr Corbett of the Wilts Education Department, and Mr Nicholson of the Agricultural Organization Society, asking me to mention the matter to any smallholders in Burbage whom it may interest, and this I have done and am doing.  Mr Hopcraft of Wotton Rivers is the Secretary, and will gladly give further information.


SUNDAY OBSERVANCE - In the fine summer months there can be no excuse for not coming to Church.........


NOTES ON BURBAGE - The Church at Burbage as it is now, was rebuilt in 1853-54 excepting the tower which was not interfered with.  The old Church which was taken down, is said to have been too dilapidated for restoration, and at that particular time there was a passion for rebuilding and little respect for antiquity.  It is fortunate that the old materials were usedas far as was practicable and the style of architecture was apparently unaltered.  The 'old' Church must itself have succeeded several still older edifices, for the probability is that a Church has occupied the same site for about a thousand years.  At the time of the Conquest, or soon after the Church of Burbageformed part of the original endowment of the Cathedral, which then stood on Old Sarum.  


August 1915 (abridged)


SUNDAY AUGUST 1st. - The Bishop asks that on Sunday August 1st - being the anniversary of the beginning of the War - a Special Service of Intercession be held in every Church in the Diocese......


THE SALISBURY DICESAN FUND. - The collections on Sunday August 8th will be given to the Diocesan Fund, which includes various Diocesan Societies for Church work in connection with the maintenance of the ministry and provision for widows and orphans of Clergy, Church Building and Restoration and the Religiious Education of the young.  Every parish in the Diocese is expected to contribute its fair proportion of the amount required for the year.  The amount raised in Burbage last year was £5:6:0 but this is less than a third of what is expected of us.


THE WAR. - Many divisions of the New Army have now gone to the Front either in France or the Dardanelles  Surely it is a time for earnest prayer and hope.  The National Register is shortly to be taken.  But even now tens of thousands do not realise that we are at war and in grave peril, or we should not have the Welsh miners going out on strike.  The Munitions Act is on its trial.  It is to be hoped it will be firmly and wisely enforced.


Recruits:  Arnold Hillier, Royal Wilts Yeomanry; Norman Henry Norris, Bedfordshire Yeomanry; Maurice Scammell, 3rd Wilts Reserve.


C.E.M.S. - Subscriptions for the year have been received since May from David Pye, James Hope, and the late Henry Powell.


THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT. - Was held on Thursday July 1st, as arranged.  The weather was most favourable, - sunny and warm with a gentle breeze.  After a short service at the Church the Children had tea in the Vicarage garden and the infants played games in the Vicarage paddock, while the elder scholars played cricket and other games in Glebe field, and a little later an interesting programme of sports was carried out under the direction of Miss Olive Sands and Mr Webb.  Our thanks are due to Mr Webb for his help, and also to Miss Hibberd and Miss Hughes, and the other teachers; and to Mrs H Chandler and Miss M Chandler for decorating the entrance to Glebe field; also to Mr Chandler for milk for the tea and to Mr Clarke Jones and Mrs Mainstone for boxes of sweets.  The collection in Church on Sunday July 4th, towards the expenses, amounted to 19/4.  The thunderstorm just before the evening service prevented many from coming and considerably reduced the collection.  I desire to thank Mrs Noyes for 2/6 sent during the week.


THE DAY SCHOOLS. - I think it ought to be recorded that 10/- has been collected by the teachers and scholars in the mixed school for the 'Overseas Fund' for comforts for the soldiers and sailors, and 10/- in the Infants School - per Miss Hibberd - by the sale of badges for the Indian Soldies' Fund.  


THE WOMAN'S UNION. - A pleasant trip was organised for July 13th when Mrs Sands and 10 of the members drove to Marlborough and had tea in the Rectory garden and heard an address by Mrs Wordsworth, given to the members fo the Marlborough Branches.


THE CALL OF THE WAR to a spiritual awakening and a revival fo religion is a matter which is much occupying the mind of the Bishop at the present time.  He deals with it in a Pastoral letter which is to be read in every Church in the Diocese on Sunday, August 1st.........


THE CHOIR. - We are in need of two or three recruits for the Choir, tenor and bass voices.  i shall be glad to hear of several.


September 1915 (Abridged)


THE WAR. - The Day of Intercession - Sunday August 1st was duly observed and a short service was held on the Church Green in warm sunshine. immediately after the third collect at Evensong, and was well attended.  We have indeed reached a period of deep anxiety, with Warsaw and several fortresses fallen, and the armies of Russia thrust back through lack of arms and munitions.  Meanwhile, the National Register has been taken and no doubt will shortly be used to serve some purpose for the more effective carrying on of the War.  Personally, I am still of the opinion which I formed last October, that some form of national service for everyone of competent age ought to have been decided upon by the Government and nation at least eight months ago.  However, we have a splendid army of brave volunteers, who are being sent out in divisions to France and the Dardanelles, and the factories at home are now well organized for the making of munitions.  But we must never forget that it is written 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts'.   We still need a great revival of religious faith in the nation, and this we are praying for continuously.  Letters received from officers and men at the front make it perfectly clear that the difficulties and dangers are tremendous, but that the spirit of our forces is splendid.  By work and prayer we ought to do our utmost to back them up, and so ought everyone.


HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES will be held when the crops are gathered in which will probably be by the middle of September.  Sunday, September 26th, is the day I have fixed upon.  Holy Eucharist at 7 and 8 am.  Morning service 11.0  Evening service 6 pm.  The collections will be as usual for the Savernake Cottage Hospital.


MEN'S SERVICE. - I propose to hold a service of Intercession with an address on the War on Sunday, September 12th, at 2.15 pm.


WEEK-DAY SERVICES. - I propose during the autumn to have a short special service with Intercessions, on Wednesdays, at 7 pm beginning on Wednesday, September 1st.


CONFIRMATION. - The Bishop, as i have already announced, proposes to hold a Confirmation at Burbage Church on December 2nd, at 3 pm.  I shall be glad to receive at once the names of those who wish to be prepared......


SALISBURY DIOCESAN FUND. - The collecions on Sunday, August 8th, including 2/6 sent during the week, amounted to £1 14s 9d.  I hope during the early autumn to get in some subscriptions from parishioners to incresase the amount sent in.


NOTES ON BURBAGE IV.  As i mentioned in the July number, the Register of Vicars of Burbage before the reformation is lost, but the following is a list of vicars since the Reformation down to the present time, as far as is ascertainable:-


William Kynsey, date of institution not known

Thomas Pellinge, instituted 1562

George Commyn         "         1593

Robert Fenton              "         1601

Thomas Taylor             "         1659

Abel Sheppard             "         1662

Samuel Cherry             "         1666

Edward Hardwick       "         1670 (Canon residentiary of Salisbury)

Thomas Andrewes       "        1696

Henry Howard             "        1741

Charles Moss                "        1766 (Canon residentiary of Salisbury, afterwards Bishop of Oxford)

Peter Debarry                "        1722

John Russell                  "        1814

Philip Scott Fisher        "        1818

John Shephard Gale     "        1841

Thomas Stanton            "        1852 (Archdeacon of Wilts)

Thos Luck Kingsbury  "        1875 (Prebendary of Salisbury)

John Herbert Plowman         1879

Wm Augustine Heygate       1890

Edward Clifford Hawkes     1900

Richard de Crespigny Thelwall 1903

Hubert Sands                 "       1913


October 1915 (Abridged)


THE HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICES were held on Sunday Sept 26th.  the Holy Eucharist was celebrated at 7 and 8am.  the services at 11 and 6pm were well attended, especially in the evening.  The Vicar preached both times.  The anthem in the evening was 'Fear not, O Land' by Caleb Simper, and was rendered in a highly creditable manner by the Choir, Mr H S Spreadbury taking the solo.  The collections for the Savernake Cottage Hospital amounted to £6-11-0.  Our thanks are due to all who sent flowers, fruit and vegetables, the gifts being unusually profuse.  Mr Mainstone again kindly undertook to convey them to the Hospital.  The Church was beautifully decorated, Mrs Sands being responsible for the alter, Mr W Vines and Miss Olive Sands for the pulpit, Mrs Mann (of Westcourt) for the choir stalls and reading desk, Miss Nutley for the font, and Miss Hughes, assisted by Miss Gwennie Green and the elder scholars for the windows and pillars.  Mr E J Mann kindly lent a selection of flowering plants for the sanctuary.


THE WAR.- Notwithstanding various statements to the contrary, it is quite certain that sandbags are needed by our men in the trenches in as large quantities as possibl, and it is hoped that a good number may be made a sent by Burbage people.  Mrs Clarke-Jones and Miss Olive Sands are organizing a plan and will be glad of helpers.


The name of Henry Cogbill, ASC should be added to the list of men on active service.


News has reached us from the Dardanelles of the 5th Wilts being in action, and also the 7th R. Dublin Fusiliers. Pte AE Spanswick has been wounded in the knee but is being well cared for in the Citadel Hospital, Cairo.  Pte F Wort is also reported wounded.


THE CHOIR.- The practices have been much betterattended lately, and good work has been done all round, especially with the Harvest Anthem.  Mr Townsend, Mr Webband the Choir generally are to be congratulated on the results.  Mr W Spanswick and Mr Naylor have recently joined the Choir, and are heartily welcomed.


The Choir boys had tea in the Vicarage garden Tuesday, September 7th, and played games afterwards on the lawn and in the paddock.


THE BURBAGE AND EASTON CLUB.- I received a letter from the office of the Registrar of Friendly Societies some weeks ago, in reply to enquiries regarding the progress of the winding up of the Club, and as told that all the legal notices had been published, and that the funds of the Society, or at least the bulk of them, would be available for division by the middle of November.


THE LENDING LIBRARY.- Owing to the many absencesthrough the War, and the fact that those who remain at home - of both sexes - are likely to be busier than usual all the winter, and that reading the daily war news exhausts most people's leisure time, it has been decided to discontinue the Lending Library for the present.  Some will regret this, but no doubt when the time for revival comes, the membership and interest in the LIbrary will be much increased.


WORK ON SALISBURY PLAIN.- The Times of September 22nd had an interesting article on this subject, exposing the watse of moneythat has been going on, and the lack of supervision and the general slackness.  Two artisans from Scotland were heard to say, 'England's a grand place.  They give you all day to do an hour's work here (on the plain) and give you a hand full of money for doing it.'  No wonder the war is costing over 3 1/2 millions of pounds a day, and taxation has to be so heavily increased!


And how are we going to win the war if such sentiments prevail?  No wonder that those who hear and see such things have become,- as the writer of the article says, - convinced supporters of National Service!


NOTES ON BURBAGE v.  The greater part of the Parish Church was rebuilt in 1853-54, as has been mentioned.  But the Tower was not interfered with.  The date of it is, I suppose, about 1450.  The dedication marks are interesting, an incised ornamental cross on the northwest buttress of the Tower, and similarly a paten with wafer on the southwest butress.


The bells, five in number, are inscribed as follows:-


1. Hope well....................I.W 1607.

2. Love God.....................I.W 1607.

3. Fear God......................I.W 1607.

4. Prayse God..................I.W 1607.

5. Hope well.................           1606.


No 5 is said to have been recast in 1854.  the bells were probably cast at the ancient bell foundary which existed at Aldbourne.  The founder's name was Wells.  These particulars will be interesting to the parishioners,  especially in tha autumn and winter evenings, when our skilful ringers send peal after peal over the village to cheer us up and remind us of worship and of God.


November 1915 (Abridged)


All Saints Day Monday, November 1st..................


THE CEMS INSTITUTE is now open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6 to 9 pm.  Illustrated papers are very acceptable, and may be left at the institute.


The Annual Meeting of the CEMS was held on October 5th when Mr C A New was re-elected Hon-Secretary, and Mr J T Mainstone Hon-Treasurer.


ON SUNDAY NOV 21st sermons will be preached and collections made on behalf of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel.  The preacher at 11 am will be The Ven Archdeacon Cockin, Vicar of Milton.


THE SALISBURY DIOCESAN FUND. - I shall be glad to receive subscriptions during the next fortnight for this fund, and propose to call on subscribers for this purpose.


THE CHURCHYARD. - Some extra work has been done in the Churchyard this summer in the way of mowing and trimming the margins, and similar work remains to be done before the winter begins, and the paths and gravel need alittle further attention.  The Churchwardens have felt justifiedin offering additional renumeration for this extra work, and when it is completed they would be glad to receive a few subscriptions towards it.  It will be remembered that the proceeds of the entertainment in February last were to be in part for Churchyard improvements, nut we were asked by parishioners to give the whole to the Belgian Relief Fund, on the understanding that some contributions for the Churchyard would be forthcoming later on.


A SMALL BRASS TABLET is being placed in the side chapel to record it's erection in 1876 during the Vicariate of Canon Kingsbury, as a memorial to Archdeacon Stanton who was vicar from 1852 to 1875.  I have received subscriptions from Miss Kinsbury, Mr John Lewis, Mrs Noyes and Mrs Ruddle towards it am asking for a few more shillingsto make up the amount needed.  A full statement will appear next month.


ABOUT 120 SANDBAGS have been made by the working party.  Donations have so far been received from Miss Dew, mrs Banning< Mrs G New, Kathie New, Mrs Briant, Miss Hibberd, Mrs New (Westcourt), Mrs Lawes, Miss Alice Lawes, Mrs Bain, Mrs Norris and Miss Olive Sands.


THE WAR. - It is time now to print in the magazine a complete list of those who have gone from the parish and are serving in His Majesty's forces.  Should there be any omissions or errors, I should be glad to be told in time to put it right in the December number.  I give the names much as they appear on the Roll in the Church, commissioned officers first, and then NCOs and privates as nearly as possible as they went out or enlisted, or as I received the names.

December 1915 


A CONFIRMATION will be held by the Bishop at burbage Church on Thursday December 9th at 2.30pm, a week later than previously announced.  Candidates will be presented from Burbage and Easton Royal.


THE WAR. - Canvassing for recruits on the basis of Lord Derby's scheme is being carried out all over the country and the results will be made known on Dec 11th.  The names of new recruits from Burbage will be published in the January number of the magazine.


During the past month much anxious interest has been concentrated on Serbia and on the landing of British and French troops at Salonika.  Important changes have been made in the War Council and a great deal of criticism has been heard on the past management of the War.  Speeches in and out of Parliament, optimistic and the reverse have abounded.  Two or three facts emerge, the first, that everyone must hope for the best from the present Coalition Government and back it up, for there is no alternative government; the second is the need of more men and still more, especially now that munitions are in hand: and the third fact is the urgent need of decision and promptness in action.  Again and again we have failed or only partially succeeded through lack of sufficient forces at some critical moment, or through unfortunate delays.  However, the dominant feeling is that of hope and trust.  this was ably expressed by our M.P, Mr Peto, at Marlborough the other day.


The name of Norman Henry Morris should be added to the list published last month.


A CONCERT is announced for Wednesday December 8th, in the Burbage Schoolroom, the proceeds to be applied to sending Christmas gifts to me of Burbage, who are serving their King and Country.  The Hon Treasurers are Mr G K Waseyand Mr C A Baker, and the Hon Secretaries, Mr J T Mainstone and Mr E S Webb.  Tickets are 2/-, 1/- and 6d.  We are promised an excellent programme, with several new artistes, and i am sure the object of the concert will appeal to all.


THE TABLET in the side chapel was dedicated after evensong on All Saint's Eve.  Messrs Mobra,y of Oxford and London supplied it at a cost of £2:7:0.  The following donations, which i desire to acknowledge, make up the amount:  Miss Kingsbury, £1:1:0, Mr John Lewis 10/-, Mrs Noyes 3/6, Mrs Ruddle 2/6, the Vicar 10/-.  Total £2; 7:0.


THE DIOCESAN CHURCH FUND. - The subscriptions are not quite all in.  they will be acknowledged next month.


THE CHURCHYARD FUND. - I desire to acknowledge the receipt of 10/- from 'a parishioner', and 1/-from Miss Hibberd.


THE MISSIONARY BOXES will be called for the first week in December.  The collection fro S.P.G. on November 21st amounted to 16/1.


CHRISTMAS DAY. - Holy Eucharist at 7 and 8, and after Morning Prayer at 11.0.  Evening Prayer at 6, in the side chapel.  Sunday December 26th, Holy Eucharist at 8, Morning Prayer and Sermon 11.0.  Short carol service at 2.30.  Evensong, sermon and procession at 6.  Collections on Christmas Day for Sunday School and Choir prizes.


SUNDAY JANUARY 2ND, is appointed as a day of intercession.  Particulars will be announced in due course.


THE PEACE CHARITY. - The annual meeting will be held in the Schoolroom on Saturday, December 11th, when applications should be made for the Charity, and also for the Highett Charity, at 10am.


BURBAGE NOTES. - I desire to make a correctionin the notes of the October number.  In the reference to the dedication marks on the Tower, for 'paten and wafer' read 'chalice and wafer'.  And i should like to add that since those notes were written, i have been lead to think it probable that our Church bells, which bear the letters I.W. were cast at a Salisbury foundary, the makers name being John Wallis.


A short description of the Church plate may interest parishioners.  the ancient silver chalice and paten, which are used occasionally, are late Jacobean, the date ascertained from the marks - being 1624.  Under the base of the chalice is inscribed; 'This chalice belongeth to Burbach, it and the cover weigh 14oz less 8dwt and cost £4:2:0'.  There is a second paten, considerably larger, bearing the inscription: R Cobbe for the use of burbach Church, 1739.


The large silver flagon is dated 1733, 'given for the use of this Church by Benj D'Aranda, Prebendary of Burbach'.  The silver alms dish was subscribed for and purchased during the Vicariate of the Rev J.H. Plowman.


The chalice and paten in ordinary use were given by the late Vicar, Mr Thelwall.  I was told that the bowl of the chalice is silver, and the stem and base, and the paten, plated.


THE SICK AND WOUNDED. - Among our Burbage men, who have been recently wounded, in addition to A.E Spanswick, mentioned last month, are S Newman, F Wort, W Odey, and, i believe, T Gillett.  W Hillier has been in hospital with diptheria, but is, i hear, better.


SERVERS.- Several of our servers are away in the Army.  I should be glad to hear of one or two to take their place, and help in the church in this way.


Hubert Sands, Vicar


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© Burbage 1914